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Phone Addiction and Its Link to ADHD: An In-depth Look
Phone Addiction and Its Link to ADHD: An In-depth Look
As we become increasingly dependent on technology in our day-to-day lives, most notably our smartphones, it's easy to question its potential impacts on our mental health. There's been a flurry of conversation revolving around one topic in particular – the connection between phone addiction and attention.
December 11, 2023
What Is ADHD?
What Is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain-based condition that can cause people to have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, and being overly physically and/or mentally active. The disorder has long been viewed as a child’s condition that will be grown out of, but we now know that ADHD persists into adulthood, and adult-onset ADHD is now also a medically recognised condition.
October 29, 2023
What Is the Impact of ADHD on Students
What Is the Impact of ADHD on Students
Students diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are likelier to experience lower academic achievement than their peers without ADHD. However, the exact reasons for this are not one hundred per cent certain. The disorder's symptoms and executive functions can negatively influence learning behaviours such as motivation, attitude toward learning, and persistence, which are vital aspects of the learning process.
October 24, 2023
How To Pick a Good ADHD Tutor
How To Pick a Good ADHD Tutor
Choosing the right ADHD tutor for your child can seem challenging. Still, with careful research and consideration, it can be a difficult task. The best tutors don't just focus on academic achievements but also aim to help children with ADHD develop organisational skills, study techniques, and a positive attitude towards learning. With this in mind, here are some key points to consider when choosing an ADHD tutor.
October 23, 2023
What Is ADHD Tutoring and Would It Help Me?
What Is ADHD Tutoring and Would It Help Me?
If you or your child are having difficulty with planning for revision, staying organised with homework, starting an essay, or deciding on a degree, job, or career, a specialised education coach or ADHD tutor may be beneficial.
October 20, 2023
Click here to get started with our professional ADHD tutors and coaches.